Jan 5 2002 - Introducing High VoltageYes, I know I've been a bit lax with the website, but I've been involved with a programming project that last few months Called High Voltage. I'm programming it in a rather exciting language called Blitz Basic which is designed entirely for game programming. High Voltage has the basic gameplay of the old arcade game Qix (you know you're old if you can remember shoving quarters into it on a Saturday afternoon) but I feel that I've added much more to the concept. Screenshots and more information will be soon to follow.
Tuesday, October 30 2001 - Gettin Ready for Christmas
Ok, it looks funny, yelling "Happy Halloween" while talking about Christmas, but around our house nothing is ever ordinary!
With Christmas fast approaching we hope to get alot of stuff listed for Ebay. Our family has been sick as dogs for the last few weeks. If I dont have something then Vnae does, or if we are clean the kids got something, or all of us. Just a nasty little cycle that has kept the household tied down with aches and sniffles. Always seems to be this way when the colder weather starts moving in. Part of the problem is probably our stubborness in admitting its cold out - "What do you mean its only 50 degrees out? By golly I'm not ready for summer to end! Where are my SHORTS!!"
In the midst of all the rounds of flus and colds I have managed to continue work on this site under the Roboforge section. Give it a look and see if Roboforge might be a game that you would enjoy. But hopefully now we are getting thru all the colds and everyone will be back to normal.. Vnae seems to have grown a bond with a Sinus cold of hers and apparently the two are fast friends, but I think its worn out its welcome and will be moving along anytime now.
Monday, October 8 2001 - Site has moved!Due to the fact that many people could not access my previousl site because of the exhistance of an "_" in the URL I have moved everything over to this new URL. As far as I can determine all links are now in place and all the images appear normal. If anyone finds anything amiss please email me with the problem and I will work to correct it as soon as possible.
I would also like to say THANKS to everyone that has visited my site (this and the previous) and have left such nice emails! I'm trying hard to help the new people of Roboforge understand the game better and allow them to get over the initial hurdles of learning the usage of the game's AI and Design sections. Now that I've moved look for more articles to appear soon.
Sunday, October 7 2001 - ARG! Kidney Stones!In the middle of working on AI for Spinners, in the Roboforge AI Made Easy section, I was struck by a bout of Kidney Stones. I apologize for the broken link and have uploaded at least part of what I had been working on, but be aware that the link is not complete. Look for the full article to be done by later tonight. On the Warheads front, without any player participation a league setup kind of fell thru. I'm still open to the idea for a league if player interest increases, but for now I'm concentrating my efforts in Roboforge.
Tuesday, October 2 2001 - RoboForge and Warheads coming along greatIt's been pointed out to me that many people may not be able to see some of the page because of their browser version. Not sure why anyone wouldnt simply upgrade that, but.. looking into ways of making sure that people with lesser browsers will still be able to see everything. Suffered some Email trouble overnight and not sure if any email was lost as none came in (not even junkmail) when it finaly allowed me to check. Very eager for any kind of feedback so dont hold back people!
Monday, October 1 2001 - Websight continues to progress along quite nicelyQuite a bit accomplished. Warheads is set up and ready for when people start showing interest in a league. I've gotten the rules listed out and posted a few websights that people may be interested in going to if Warheads catches their attention.
I've also begun work on Tanarus, however nothing that has been placed online yet.
The Roboforge section has definatly shaped up well. I've worked up a Bots on Display section to show off some selected bots and am very happy with the results. Who'da thought I coulda managed that?
Sunday, September 30 2001 - Groundwork for Warheads League in Progress The Warheads section is now working with the League Rules in place. Signups can begin today and will continue until the League starts on Oct 6th. I am taking suggestions for any ideas Rules I may have overlooked, and also taking suggestions for a different night of the week for League play if Saturdays are not good.
I've also changed the Tripod Banner Option so that Banners no longer appear on my page, but pop up in your browser instead. The reason for this is that with the usage of IFRAME I was getting the banner at the top of the page and also within the IFRAME. It messed up the layout. Yes, I know the banner is annoying, but a free 50 meg website is tough to pass up. The best way to handle the Banner window is NOT to close it. Simply click on this page and send the banner to the background and leave it there while you are here. If you delete it then it will reappear every time you change pages, or after a set amount of time is passed as long as your at my site.
Saturday, September 29 2001 - Affiliatian Sign-Ups Completed!We are now affiliates with both Ebay and RoboForge. Their banner links are located on the right. Ebay is an online Auction site where you can buy and sell merchandise, often much cheaper than you would find in the stores. It's a great place to find antiques or collectables that you've been looking for. RoboForge is a Virtual Robotic Combat game where you design and program your robot to fight in an arena against another Robot. Your robot runs on an "Artificial Intelligence" program that you create so is completely autonomous in its actions while it fights. Tournaments are held several times a week and a CASH tournament is often scheduled about once a week. The entry fee is $5.00 and you stand a chance to currently win $100. Signing up with Ebay or Purchasing Roboforge thru my affiliate links gains me credit for sending you to them so I hope you find one or the other or BOTH interesting.
Also today I've worked up a few preliminary Ebay Queries such as "Is Ebay for You?", "Our Beginning", and "Handling Fees". Look for more information articles like this to appear in the future, and changing the look of these files to match the "theme" of the rest of this website is on my list of "to do" stuff.
Friday, September 28 2001 - Dew Point Station Goes Online!Hello and Welcome to Dew Point Station. Dew Point Station is a site where my wife and I can display information about ourselves, our hobbies, and our work that we do on E-bay. We both enjoy space related topics (I'm more of a nut on this than her) so have decided to go with a deepspace motife. Also, being as I'm the one doing the site work, I felt I had a certain leeway in deciding how things will look. Of course I consulted my wife first before I made any decisions.:)
Hopefully, this site will come along quickly. It's been a while since I designed websites and much of the format on construction has changed. I'm fairly certain the layout of our site will also change as I learn more. Now that the groundwork is down I will be creating pages and links related to our Ebay activities, expand into some personal interest areas of mine such as RoboForge, Tanarus, and Warheads, and prod my wife into telling me what kind of content she would like created to reflect her own interests.